Three magazines…

Just an aside post. The three magazines that Living Journey contribute to, have been recently updated; Wars & Rumours (The latest on wars and rumours of wars from around the world), Transhumanism & The Singularity (Reaching the omega point),  Liberties Lost (Documenting technological advances; civil liberties are being lost!). Please feel free to check them…

Two Rants…

I honestly think that the koran should be high school reading and studied along with Islamic history and exactly how this evil political ideology was spread , along with islamic abrogation of text, and islamism Sharia law. I get so sick of spoon feeding ppl with facts that they themselves with a little effort can…

Tearing down the high places

“Christ’s gospel has not come into the world to be co-equal with other faiths and share a divided kingdom with differing creeds. False gods may stand face to face to each other in one Pantheon, and be at peace, for they are all false together, but when Christ comes, Dagon must go down, not even…