The little known prophetic time line…

Are historicists and preterists right? Are futurists right? Are poeticists and idealists right? Regarding prophecy, is it just the ONE way of these four ways of interpretation? Is that how the Jewish understood prophecy? What if all were right AND all were wrong? What does that mean? How can that be? Listen to a sermon…

The Furnace of Affliction…

Judicial fascism is just round the corner. changing laws and times… it’s started. Faith or politics? We have to make a choice. Making new laws to bind the faithful, this happened to Daniel, this will happen to us. Private rights… out the window. Always placating the Babylonians…even the benevolent leaders hands will be tied by…

The greatest of all commandments…

This week’s Torah portion (Vaetchanan) repeats the Ten Commandments. Though there are some slight differences between the Exodus and Deuteronomy versions, both begin with “I AM” (אָנכִי) and both end with “[for] your neighbor” (לְרֵעֶךָ). Joining these together says “I am your neighbor,” indicating that the LORD Himself is found in your neighbor. [source] Interesting,…

A few good links for you…

I was just on Facebook, and someone pointed out that you can hear some of Jacob Prasch’s sermons online, as well as other teachers. I haven’t had time to check any of them out yet. But I am going to save this link to my blogroll section, Audio and Video. Apparently, the video/audio called “Iran…