What are we to do???

There is a 26 second clip based on reality that I came across recently. It is found on FB, and I won’t post the video, (but HERE is the link to the global page where you can watch it if you wish), as it’s very disturbing although you don’t see any kind of violence being…

How Obama Ushered in the New Age of Christian Martyrdom

Everywhere that U.S. leadership helped Islamic jihadis topple secular autocrats in the name of “democracy and freedom,” indigenous Christian minorities are forced either to convert to Islam or die. Many are accepting death. Most recently, on August 28 near Aleppo, the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) tortured, mutilated, publicly raped, beheaded and crucified 12 Christians…

Ditch the lollipop, and get out of the playground!!!

This saddens me, but more importantly, it saddens God. As Christians, we are NOT suppose to compromise the Word and the Truths contained within it. We are not to change these either. WE are meant to change, we are meant to be set apart from the World and its burgeoning and ever changing social constructs.…

Oh My Earth! Just die!

Just woke up from the craziest dream. I dreamt that my mum had become a Roman Catholic. I was so distressed and ran off crying. She felt that she had sinned against mother earth and needed to repent and it was only the Roman Catholic Church that offered such forgiveness. I was in some old church…

Check out “Wars & Rumours ” on Flipboard

Wars & Rumours: have you heard the latest about the current political climate? Are you keeping abreast about our globe which is going through massive changes, not only politically but environmentally? Please check out the latest articles uploaded today, subscribe and share so that others can keep informed. There is no commentary in this magazine,…