Oh My Earth! Just die!

Just woke up from the craziest dream. I dreamt that my mum had become a Roman Catholic. I was so distressed and ran off crying. She felt that she had sinned against mother earth and needed to repent and it was only the Roman Catholic Church that offered such forgiveness. I was in some old church…

Check out “Wars & Rumours ” on Flipboard

Wars & Rumours: have you heard the latest about the current political climate? Are you keeping abreast about our globe which is going through massive changes, not only politically but environmentally? Please check out the latest articles uploaded today, subscribe and share so that others can keep informed. There is no commentary in this magazine,…

The Daniel Connection – it all starts in Scotland…

Here is some exciting news. There is a new film about to premier in Scotland called “The Daniel Connection”. I have put a milestone countdown to this major event in the footer of this blog. I for one really hope it comes to a theatre near you. A LOT of research from the world’s top…

FBI agent reveals how to reduce our population!!!

One of the law enforcement speakers at the conference was FBI agent Carmine Nigro. He is quoted by the Times as saying regarding synthetic biology, “These technologies do not just pose a risk to individual buildings or cities, but if cleverly deployed, can reduce our population by significant percentages.” This disturbing comment comes as synthetic biology is being…

Are Falling Angels about to be manifested on Earth to deceive the Masses?

We live in interesting days. Days that confuse many. A few days ago I watched a youtube of Canadian Minister of National Defense testify that UFOs and Aliens are REAL. In fact, he says that there are four known alien races. This is big news. Hellyer also dedicated some kinda landing pad! The area under the…