Ditch the lollipop, and get out of the playground!!!

This saddens me, but more importantly, it saddens God. As Christians, we are NOT suppose to compromise the Word and the Truths contained within it. We are not to change these either. WE are meant to change, we are meant to be set apart from the World and its burgeoning and ever changing social constructs.…

Oh My Earth! Just die!

Just woke up from the craziest dream. I dreamt that my mum had become a Roman Catholic. I was so distressed and ran off crying. She felt that she had sinned against mother earth and needed to repent and it was only the Roman Catholic Church that offered such forgiveness. I was in some old church…

Queer Bible – What Bread is this???

Check out the credentials from the following link about the ‘Queer Bible Commentary‘. Notice deconstruction/reconstruction, racism, feminism, and Marxism are all going to play a part in the background? The left are going to lap this up like excited little puppy dogs. Watch and wait to see how this will be steam-rolled into an interfaith/ecumenical, political…

Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity. The Film…

I have just came across someone called, Joshua Matrisciana. He has researched everything he can about ‘Transhumanism’ and has made a film called “Transhumanism: Recreating Humanity. I highly recommend reading the whole article which I have linked to, and watch the trailer just to see how technology is going to advance in the not so distant future,…

Islam and the Mark of the Beast???

With all of the current Islamic terror happening around the world lately, there is an underlying question. Where does Islam fit into, biblical prophecy? After all, we have read so many stories of the Body of Christ being killed and tortured from countries all over the world. Some have put forth the case that the…