What are we to do???

There is a 26 second clip based on reality that I came across recently. It is found on FB, and I won’t post the video, (but HERE is the link to the global page where you can watch it if you wish), as it’s very disturbing although you don’t see any kind of violence being…

The Invasion is real, and it is happening!!!

Do you often look around at your local Churches, or even those around the globe and know there is something quite not right? I know I have. Coming from a background where I was involved with the occult, I am quite horrified at how these very same practices that I was saved out from, have…

ALERT: U.S. plan gives Jerusalem holy sites to Vatican

Secretary of State John Kerry quietly presented a U.S. plan for eastern Jerusalem that calls for an international administrative mandate to control holy sites in the area, according to informed Palestinian and Israeli diplomatic sources. The exact composition of the international mandate is up for discussion, the sources said, but Kerry’s plan recommended a coalition…

How long, Oh Lord?

We have all seen and watched how society is falling into ungodly ways, we have seen the Church compromise and preach a social gospel, and we have seen how the education system has become an indoctrination tool to corrupt the minds of innocent children. I have just been made aware of a radio program that…

New Pope – is the Church taking a new direction or old?

All the world is buzzing about what this new Pope could mean for the Catholic Church and whether or not he will change the face of it. Over the last few days my Fb has quite a few feeds about the Jesuits and who they are and about St Francis of Assisi. But I just…