What are we to do???

There is a 26 second clip based on reality that I came across recently. It is found on FB, and I won’t post the video, (but HERE is the link to the global page where you can watch it if you wish), as it’s very disturbing although you don’t see any kind of violence being acted out. It’s called “What does the future of your children look like?” Even for the feature image of this post I have chosen something different from the screen shot image which you have to scroll down to see. Now… this short clip DOESN’T show any violence, but what it does show is thought provoking and something that the Persecuted Body of Christ is going through every single day. It is for THEM that I share this, and the reason for it is to provoke those within the Body to act in a biblical way.
I am very aware of these things happening, and it could get a LOT worse. I have read enough about the history of the Huguenots, and I have read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs to know that these things have happened (and worse) to know that it can only be the Holy Spirit that empowers during such a time as this.

In fact, my daily prayers got out to the persecuted body, and I pray especially for the children and their parents; for the Holy Spirit to send such a comfort, peace and Joy that is not humanly possible to achieve. I pray the working of the Holy Spirit is seen by those who persecute at the astonishment of all around, so that they know that God’s Holy Spirit has each and every martyr in such a way that defies all logic.

I pray that their cup runneth over during their most darkest hour. And I pray that even the children experience the Holy Spirit in such a way that they are able to be overcomers. I pray this EVERY day, as it has been a burden placed on my heart for 18 months or so now. I know God can act in a miraculous way because history has shown it to us before. We may feel that we cannot bear this to happen, and question as to how we would cope, but rest assured… if you are right with God, you will be given the right amount of strength, comfort, joy, and peace to become perseveres for the Faith. Like Manna we can’t store up this kind of strength, comfort, peace and joy into a bank, but like Manna we will be given enough of it to continue on our journey, wherever that may lead us. So, don’t fret about a possible future where there could be very difficult testing and trials, but do today what you can for those who are experiencing those very trials that we cannot even begin to fathom… PRAY!

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