Third Temple being built soon?

The Israel Minister of Housing and Construction Uri Ariel on Friday expressed his wish to see the construction of a “Third Temple” in place of the Al-Aqsa Mosque that is currently occupying the temple mount. Uri Ariel said “The first Temple was destroyed in 586 BCE, the second Temple in 70 CE, and ever since…

Third Temple — Is this the first step?

  I just came across some news about the EU passing some law that allows Jewish people to go to the temple mount to pray. First off… why is this up to the EU or any other country for that matter, this is Israel a sovereign country, and the temple mount is part of Israel’s…

Possible reasons for Islamic approval of Third Temple.

Possible Muslim Approval Of Third Temple Construction. As reported in The Jewish Press on March 14, 2013, there is a new call for something previously unthinkable. Sinem Tezyapar, a Muslim TV producer in Turkey, has called for the rebuilding of the “Prophet Solomon’s” Temple. She assures her fellow Muslims that they need not be nervous because: “There…

Jerusalem divided may produce the Third Temple…

This is a RED FLAG post! As you all probably know by now, the UN will attempt to make a Palestinian State and divide Jerusalem in September of this year. This is BIG news because prophetically speaking it talks about the division of Jerusalem and the bible also talks about a third temple being constructed.…

Are we approaching the Third Temple period?

Palestinians are protesting the rededication of a historic synagogue in the Jewish quarter of the Old City, amid rumors of plans by Jewish extremists to take control over a hilltop complex at the crux of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The rededication has stoked periodically recurring rumors that Jewish extremists are planning to take over the shrine…