Syria and the Lebanon connection

I received the following article this morning in my email box. I wanted to share it with those who have been following the Syrian and Lebanese connections. Interesting to note that there are Christians speaking and opposing Syria’s ever increasing involvement within the Lebanese government and army. Lately there is a push from Iran and Syria to desatablise Lebanon’s government which have been noted by the writers of Counterterrorist Blog, see here, here and here.

If you have been a regular reader of my blog then you would know that I have made previous posts on Syrian’s recent visitor and what he had to say about the nations appearance of co-existence between Muslim and Christian communities. To read those post’s see ‘Rick Warren making new Friends‘ and here is the search results for ‘Syria and Lebanon‘ within my blog.

In light what has happened recently with the controversial visit from America’s most popular pastor, I thought I would share this with you.

On Tuesday, Pierre Gemayel, an influential member of the Lebanese government, was gunned down in the capital city of Beirut. Gemayel was a Christian who was opposed to Syria’s involvement in Lebanese politics. Gemayel’s assassination has received prompt condemnation from the international community, and it has further complicated an already tense situation. In the past two years at least five other prominent Lebanese figures have been assassinated, all of which were outspoken critics of Syria.

If Syria is responsible for Gemayel’s death, then clearly it hasn’t learned from past mistakes. In February of last year another prominent critic of Syria was assassinated. Rafik Hariri, an influential leader and former Prime Minister of Lebanon, was killed in a massive explosion which took the lives of 21 people. It is widely believed that Syria is directly responsible for the bombing, however their plan backfired. Instead of silencing an influential critic, Syria made Hariri a martyr and brought international attention to the situation in Lebanon. Under immense pressure from the international community, Syria was forced to withdraw its troops from Lebanon, putting an end to its 30 year military presence in the war-torn nation.

It has yet to be seen what effect Pierre Gemayel’s death will have on Lebanese politics, however his supporters have already begun to rally against Hezbollah and its pro-Syrian allies. Meanwhile, there is mounting evidence to suggest that Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah may attempt to topple the fragile Lebanese government. In recent weeks, Hezbollah has been consolidating its power in Lebanon, even going so far as to demand more seats in the parliament. Hezbollah’s leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said that the current Lebanese government would “go” and a new one would take its place. He did not say how or when it would happen. Then, following Nasrallah’s comments, six pro-Syrian members of the 24-seat Lebanese cabinet resigned.

Nasrallah has threatened to call for protests in opposition to the government, but experts believe Hezbollah won’t make any move without the express permission or backing of Iran and Syria. In addition to mass protests, Hezbollah may attempt to topple the country’s weak democratic government by organizing boycotts and strikes – paralyzing the country. They could even attempt to shut down electrical power, water, and government services in an attempt to further destabilize the region. If Hezbollah is successful in seizing power in Lebanon, then the nation would undoubtedly become a staging point for Iran’s war with Israel and the West.

According to the UN Security Council resolution that ended the Israeli-Hezbollah war this summer, Hezbollah was supposed to be disarmed. But, not surprisingly, that never happened. The Security Council has passed at least 7 resolutions going back 28 years that have demanded the same thing – none have been successfully put into action. Iran and Syria are now taking advantage of the current calm to re-arm the terrorist organization. Iran does not yet have the military strength to carry out a direct attack on Israel, thus it uses Hezbollah as its proxy. Hezbollah is an important player in Lebanon’s politics and a major provider of social services to thousands of Lebanese Shiites. It operates hospitals, schools, orphanages and a television station. Its base is in Lebanon’s Shiite-dominated areas, including parts of Beirut, southern Lebanon, and the Bekaa Valley. In addition, US intelligence reports say that Hezbollah cells operate in regions including Europe, Africa, South America, and North America.

Experts attribute much of Hezbollah’s widespread popularity to its claim that it forced Israel to retreat from territory it held, something no Arab government or group had ever accomplished. Hezbollah waged a violent, 18-year campaign against Israel’s control of a self-declared “security zone” in southern Lebanon, which Israel had established after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon by forces under then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon. In 2000, after suffering mounting casualties, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak ordered Israeli troops to unilaterally leave the security zone. For millions of Arabs, Hezbollah achieved heroic status, and many Palestinian militants at war with Israel cite Hezbollah as an inspiration. @Koiniona House by Chuck Missler

For an intersting article that questions all of Rick Warren disciples and what they have to say about his recent chin wag ….

Rick Warren disciples: Where are you?

One thought on “Syria and the Lebanon connection

  1. As a Lebanese/Syrian Sunni born Australian I say any Israeli resistance is a good one. At the same time I wish Hezbollah would cease slaughtering Sunni’s and launch their rockets from Iran. Lebanon is for the Lebanese people and it has been for 80 years, Lebanon will never become part of Iran or Israel (Israeli aircrafts have been dropping pamphlets from high above onto to the Lebanese people indicating to them that the Israelis are interested in taking it for their grandchildren).

    Conclusion, history will repeat it self in Lebanon there will be no winners, Lebanon will remain to the Lebanese people, Israelis are paying off Hezbollah so they can afford their rockets to fire at Israel which gives Israel a license to butcher as many innocent lives as humanly possibly, Israel is like a cancer in the Middle east, no body wants it there, no one in your neighbourhood likes you, you are a hated people, and may each one of you little bastards gets whats coming to you.


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