A quick update…Hezbollah wins, so does Iran, so does Syria!

Hezbollah, Iran and Syria have hoisted the banner of Victory:

In Damascus, Syrian President Syrian President Bashar Assad said Washington’s plans for the Middle East were turned into “an illusion” by Hezbollah’s resistance to the Israeli military during the 34-day conflict.

Israel “was defeated” and Hezbollah “hoisted the banner of victory,” Ahmadinejad told the crowd, including many people waving yellow Hezbollah banners and Iranian flags. @Yahoo News

While Bill Roggio at Counterterrorism agrees that the cease fire was in favour of Hezbollah, Iran and Syria because it brought Israel to the negotiating table in just one month of conflict and there will be interested observers such as al-Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa who would be learning lessons from the Israel – Hezbollah war:

With the cessation of fighting between Hezbollah and Israel largely holding after 24 hours, it is time to look at the likely winners and losers of the Hezbollah-Israel war. Israel spent the weekend scrambling to reach the Litani River and consolidate their positions south of the river before the fighting ended, launching an attack which amounted to too little too late. The negotiated cease fire implemented by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, has lead to a major political victory for Hezbollah, Iran and Syria,and dealt Israel, Lebanon and the United States serious setbacks.

The Winners:

Hezbollah: Hezbollah achieved what it intended to do from the outset of hostilities: fight the IDF to a draw, force negotiations and a cease fire in the United Nations, dictate the terms of the cease fire, obtain international recognition and acceptance, further erode support for Israel in the international community and remain a viable political and military force within Lebanon. @Counterterrorism Blog

And speaking of international efforts to erode support for Israel we have footage which is highly questionable:

Also this little bit of insight found at drinking from home blogspot Here you will read and see photo’s from a reporter named Guerin who represents the type of journalist that sensationalize footage to falsely represent Israel. Journalists like this should not be working and they do nothing to help; but make matters worse. Please visit this site to read and see the photo’s in question.

Here in the south of Lebanon no-one doubts that Hezbollah won this war… (they) told me that they’d had to live as refugees for a month but Hezbollah had made them proud… In a month of fighting, Israel couldn’t beat Hezbollah – probably not how its ally the United States expected things to turn out. For George Bush this is a bad chapter in the war on terror… To many here and in the Arab world Hezbollah are covered in glory…”

When her team find one of Hezbollah’s anti-tank guns mounted on a jeep, she offers no insight into its origins. Was it Iranian? The question doesn’t occur to her. She’s only interested in the weapon for its symbolic value:

“It’s with weapons like this that Hezbollah did battle against one of the most powerful armies in the world.”

Iain Dale thinks the BBC should sack Guerin just on the basis of the lack of objectivity shown in this report. I’m inclined to agree, but this goes beyond mere bias – that’s par for the course for the BBC. Here Guerin has knowingly given a false impression of the destruction of Bent Jbeil for the purpose of further demonising Israel in the eyes of the “international community”.

I wonder if those interested observers are jotting down the names of these so called journalists to do their dirty work when the time is needed.

Today, Syria says it is preparing for War reports MEMRI:

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad: “Syria is Prepared for War”; “This is a New Stage in the History of the Nation”; “The Golan Will Be Liberated by Syrian Hands”

If you think that this is the end of the middle-eastern conflict, you are wrong. It is just the beginning!