Quick Post – New blogs found – and something from Roger Oakland

I recently have blogrolled a new site that was referred to me by Carla from books and things called ‘Spiritual Research Network Blog’. I thought it would be an asset to have this new blog rolled into my site, you can find it in my “Links | Blogrolls” in the page section below.

I have also come across another web-site that may be useful to those who want to study further into the current trends that are infiltrating the Church, this web-site has the same name as the blog mentioned above, but is found in the Christian section of my blogroll as it is not a blog but a web-site – Spiritual Research Network.

Now on to other news…

Recently it has been noted that Calvary Chapel has spoken against the Purpose Driven movement and has discontinued all of Rick Warren’s books and it has been made public for all to see. Pastor Chuck Sr has been one of many that has seen many flaws in this Church growth movement and has made a public declaration about this matter. Roger Oakland who has been involved with Calvary Chapel for the last 25 years has made a public announcement concerning the Purpose Driven Movement and Calvary Chapel and has detailed in a succinct and concise way why the Purpose Driven Movement is at odds with the teaching of Pastor Church Sr at Calvary Chapel. Here is an excerpt from the article called ‘Calvary Chapel and Purpose Driven’. It is well worth the read if you are still having any doubts about the dangers that are creeping into the Church to deceive even the elect.

The Calvary Chapel view of the future compared to the “Purpose Driven” view of the future is as different as day and night. One of the distinctives of the Calvary movement is a focus on the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Pastor Chuck has always been known for an emphasis on warning Christians to be alert and ready for the return of Jesus. He teaches that the Kingdom of God will be established only when Jesus Christ returns to this planet. He also emphasizes that the time period before the return of Jesus here on earth will be “as it was in the days of Noah.” [2] From this perspective, the world actually gets worse and worse, not better and better.

Rick Warren’s view of the present and the future is different from Chuck Smith’s. Warren encourages his followers to ignore Bible prophecy and spend their time and energy on the here and now, in order to establish a man made social plan (P.E.A.C.E. Plan) that will make planet earth a better place for everyone.[…]

The article of Roger Oaklands goes on to explain the differences between two types of teaching, one of which is focused on prophecy and the other on mans efforts to build the kingdom of God on this earth instead of waiting for Christ to come and redeem and reign for Jerusalem.

In the article Roger Oakland also addresses the Emerging Church Movement and the use of mystical Contemplative Prayer sometimes known as Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina which moves the person from an objective biblical Word of God based believer towards an experiential subjective practitioner which is a dangerous spiritual path for anybody to be on. I have written about this before and you can find all relative posts

My prayer is that you who are searching and those who are moving away from the Word of God towards mans own story of God will consider very carefully what you are about to enter into. I would highly suggest that you read Roger Oaklands article, it is brief but to the point and can be verified. It comes from a man who desperately want people to know the Word of God in all its Richness and in Truth instead of a watered down gospel from wolves in sheeps clothing.

Like I said a quick post, but important nonetheless.

8 thoughts on “Quick Post – New blogs found – and something from Roger Oakland

  1. Pingback: Biblical Prophecy » Living Journey » Blog Archive » Quick Post - New blogs found - and something from Roger Oakland

  2. The recent admission by Bill Hiybels confirms the shallowness of the Seeker Sensitive movement. (See Bob Burney Live, WRFD Columbus, Ohio, as reported on Crosswalk.com, November 3, 2007). Having been part of the beginning of the movement in Houston, Texas, I first hand saw the watering down of the gospel in order to fill the seats. My personal conviction is that the Seeker Sensitive and Purpose Driven movement is neo-liberalism. Abortion and homosexuality are avoided while so-called Global Warming is embraced. This movement will continue to further degenerate into a social movement until any similarity between the Seeker Sensitive and Purpose Driven movement will be purely coincidental.


  3. The recent admission by Bill Hiybels confirms the shallowness of the Seeker Sensitive movement.

    Yes, you are right, I will just quote again for the record what it was the Hybels said about the seeker sensitive movement…

    Some of the stuff that we have put millions of dollars into thinking it would really help our people grow and develop spiritually, when the data actually came back it wasn’t helping people that much. Other things that we didn’t put that much money into and didn’t put much staff against is stuff our people are crying out for.

    We made a mistake. What we should have done when people crossed the line of faith and become Christians, we should have started telling people and teaching people that they have to take responsibility to become ‘self feeders.’ We should have gotten people, taught people, how to read their bible between services, how to do the spiritual practices much more aggressively on their own.

    Would you say that this move is also driven by consumerism Randall???


  4. I just want to add, that this seeker friendly move and the New Age move that has infiltrated the church of late has a direct influence on my family.

    I believe that my father has drifted so far away from God that he know says he’s an atheist because of these moves.

    It all started when the whole so called ‘Toronto blessing’ started at the church. From there, my mum has been caught up in it big time, and my dad who has been very grounded in scripture always fought against it. And just didn’t understand it, and tried to pray for it to happen to him, but it never did. Now I know that is a blessing! But he has denied Christ…. in fact when he spoke to the pastor, the pastor said that he believed that dad was a saved man anyway, despite is denial. What’s the point in believing in Christ if that’s the case!

    But dad witnessed all of these people in his church who seemed to be on fire with God, and he wondered why he never felt ( felt being the operative word here) what they seem to be feeling.

    I have lost a facet of my father to atheism because of these false moves. We used to study the bible in a year together, and now he says that there is no God.

    I cannot really understand that after 40 years of being so grounded why this has happened to him…all because he just didn’t fall for all the bells and whistles that accompany these moves.

    All of this is very close to my heart, please if anyone is reading this comment keep my parents in your prayers. And I know that these moves have hurt many other people, please pray for them also.


  5. This all looks like fear from people who believe they can understand the word of God fully and accurately. But Pastor Churck and others all admit to errors in the past. We can trust the word of God and God’s word that comes from the Spirit.


  6. I enjoy how you talk of the “new age movement” as if it is a grave current concern..where did you study apologetics the university of 1987? (it is not that I do not believe that there is much false religion in the church or that we face grave theological danger…it’s just that not even pagans talk about the “new Age ” anymore..this term is only used by homeschoolers who missed the bus and do not know what is really happening) YOu are either dumb or ignorant and I don’t really care which one..but what you say about Warren is wrong..I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are just a stupid sheep and not a liar…anyhoo, as it is if all Chuck smith does is tell people to focus on heaven he is in sin and must repent. The either or direction you posit is out of balance and wrong…both heaven and earth must be our focus. This is why the disciples at Jesus ascension were asked why they stood staring at the sky when there was work to be done.

    On the subject of Warren I have been in the room when he emphasized the return of Christ…and his belief that he is soon to come (and all the Baptist distinctives that go with his view)…



  7. Pingback: Perhaps I’m Dumb, Ignorant, Home schooled or educated before 1987 - But I still have a question! « Living Journey

  8. You have sent me your email updates for a while now. I am now well onto becoming a senior citizen; but when I was a teenager, I was a devout catholic. On my way back from Africa after teaching for 2 years, I heard Biblical teaching at a camp in England. Since then, I have been very sensitive to unbiblical rc doctrine. Thank you for your ministry, which helps me to see what is happening around the world. Blessings to you.


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