Swine Flu – Big Business, Big Government…


I found this pdf file written by Andrew Bosworth, Ph.D. and it makes for some VERY interesting reading. 

If the current H1N1 swine flu virus does become abnormally lethal, there would be three leading explanations: first, that the virus was accidentally released, or escaped, from a laboratory; second, that a disgruntled lab employee unleashed the virus (as happened, according to the official version of events, with the 2001 anthrax attack); or third, that a group, corporation or government agency intentionally released the virus in the interests of profit and power.

Interestingly, numerous doctors and scientists suspect that the swine flu virus was cultured in a laboratory. A mainstream Australian virologist, Adrian Gibbs – who was one of the first to analyze the genetic properties of the 2009 swine flu – believes that scientists accidentally created the H1N1 virus while producing vaccines. And Dr. John Carlo, Dallas Co. Medical Director, "This strain of swine influenza that’s been cultured in a laboratory is something that’s not been seen anywhere actually in the United States and the world, so this is actually a new strain of influenza that’s been identified."(4) Because of this, the 2009 swine flu virus — which has yet to be detected in any animals — has a rather suspicious pedigree.

Dr. Bosworth has written a book called Biotech Empire which basically write from a constitutionalist and libertarian perspective. The book explains how the United States, which produced the Bill of Rights and landed a man on the moon, is now distinguished by mass surveillance, mass conditioning and mass incarceration. Big Business and Big Government – motivated by perpetual profits and unlimited power – are creating a high-tech Gilded Age: a "Biotech Empire."

This book’s perspective is both libertarian and populist: libertarian in its distrust of government and populist in its distrust of corporate oligarchies. It holds that ordinary people, instead of being ensnared in a matrix of economic and political control, should have a say about how biotechnology affects their lives.

The writing is critical of Democrats, whose cosmetic reforms serve entrenched interests; it also savages Republicans, whose party is famous for corporate welfare, voter suppression, fear mongering, nonstop propaganda, counterfeit Christianity, and Guantanamo.
